Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hello to COABE Conference colleagues

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." Arthur C. Clark (1917- ) Technology and the Future

For those of you who are not acquainted with the organization, COABE is the Commission on Adult Basic Education. You can read more about COABE at .

The annual COABE conference is now taking place in St. Louis, Missouri. I would recommend that you consider joining the NIFL professional development list - ASAP because there is currently a great deal of positive conversation going on related to the conference and the general sessions.

After this morning's post, I am going to write to my colleagues on the PD and the technology (NIFL) lists and specifically ask the conference attendees to visit the blog and leave comments - and especially suggestions for how we in Delaware (DAACE membership) might come together as a more collaborative group of teachers and learners online. I will specifically ask them - and anyone who has found their way here to answer these questions:

How will you use technology to expand upon what you learn at the conference?

Will you do any formal or informal “follow-through” activities online related to the sessions you attended?

Can you give me advice on how to encourage and engage my Delaware colleagues into a serious online discussion regarding using the Internet for professional development?

What have been your most positive experiences using online forums for professional development?

What do you believe to be the greatest obstacles toward building a stronger practice of online (adult education) professional development?

Any other comments?

COABE and NIFL both maintain informative websites for adult educators. Browse through their pages frequently, and I expect that you will find something new each time you do.

Friday, April 25, 2008

TappedIn - a web based learning environment

"Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beautyin the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to profit of the community to which your later work belongs." Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Last night, I went online to one of my favorite online educational sites, and I chatted with my colleague and friend who is a leader/guide of the TappedIn team (and my TappedIn guru). I started to explain my blog project and how I am writing it to encourage colleagues to begin to imagine how we might use the Internet and Web 2.0 tools for professional development. I asked her how I might go about getting the attention of my colleagues and then engaging them to comment and to return to this blog - and other sites that I might lead them to. Her response was ... "ahhh the million dollar question!". She recommended some other Ed Tech PD blogs, and we talked a little longer.

We talked online in the reception area of

Tapped In is a Web-based learning environment created to transform teacher professional development. I would like to recommend that you go to and sign in as a member. This link ( -the user interface -will give you all the information you need to get started and into the "reception area" where a guide will be ready and waiting to show you around - and there is a lot to see!

There is a "search" tab in the top right hand corner of the main page. If you type in reginal (my user name) you can link to my office. On the left side of my office window there is a purple column that lists my notes, files, links, discussions, and whiteboard. Leave me a note or a message on the whiteboard if you visit my office. When you sign-in and become a member of TappedIn you will automatically have your own office space as well.

One of the greatest features of TappedIn are the After School Online professional development meetings/instructional sessions. Link from here to the calendar for April and May.

You can also schedule meetings for your own group in your own office or in another office space on TappedIn. There are so many possibilities.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Reflecting on STar In-person Inservice

"If facts don't fit the theory, change the facts." Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Yesterday, I completed an extensive reading in-service training for Delaware ABE and ESL educators. Two very highly qualified, engaging trainers provided three two-day STar Reading training sessions over the course of the past six months.
I cannot begin to describe all that they taught nor all that I learned about teaching intermediate level adult learners to improve their reading skills.

Yesterday, the last of the six day sessions, I spoke to the thirty-some participants (educators, program administrators, staff development folks, and state administrators. I very briefly told them about my return to grad school and about this blog. I asked (pleaded with) them to link to it, read it, reflect upon it, and respond with comments. I would really like to encourage my colleagues to use this space as a place to collaborate on issues that relate to our professional development.

Last night, I also completed and submitted my project proposal for this project - this blog project. What I realized as I finished it was that each time I had edited and added to it, my ideas for the project had changed - but I used the word "evolved". It was a little painful in fact because I had made so many attempts to "finish" the assignment. But, by the end of the evening and after submitting what I referred to me as my most recent "work in progress", I did calm down as I came to realize that all of our works are "works in progress".

I came up with a term that I used in my proposal.... Internet Enabled Collaborative Learning Tools (IECLTs). I want to investigate and share what I learn about these kinds of tools as I continue to post to this blog. I sincerely hope that my colleagues and/or others who find their way to this site feel very encouraged to respond/comment to what I share. I am actively seeking collaboration.

I may post again later this evening, but I will leave for now with a few questions.

  • What information might I share that will encourage you to respond and return on occasion to this blog?
  • How much time to you have in your day to read, reflect and respond?
  • Are you comfortable with the format of blogs, and/or how "user friendly" is this one for you to navigate?
  • How interested are you in changing the way you "do" professional development - to include Internet enabled PD opportunities?

Thank you for taking the time to read this afternoon's post. Please look forward to "coming attractions"!


Saturday, April 12, 2008


To add your comments to this or any Google Blog, you first must go to this page and register on Google.
I also missed some typos in my first post, and so far I haven't figured out if I can go back and edit it. I will do a more further spell and grammar check in my future posts.
Wish me luck!

My First Blog Posting Ever!

I would like to welcome all Delaware adult educators to collaborate with me on this blog. I have created the blog as a project for a University of Delaware Educational Technology course that I am taking this semester, but I believe that my goals for the blog are very timely.

First of all, thanks to Joanne, we have started listservs for both the board and the membership of DAACE. We are in the process of adding email addresses to the listserv and inviting all of the DAACE membership to the list. Secondly, we have just come from the conference, and hopefully we left the conference with a renewed spirit for the work that we do. Also, and I hope I am quoting Maureen correctly, it is my understanding that the state has cut back all funding for DOE professional development for the 2009 fiscal year, and the indicators predict that money will be very limited for the next few years. What I recall from Maureen’s presentation and in other conversations is that the state has not been in such a difficult fiscal condition since 1991.

There are inexpensive ways to use the Internet to improve our skills at integrating technology into our classrooms (even those of us who teach in prisons) and even more importantly to use online learning for our own professional development.

My primary goal for writing this blog is to educate and encourage Delaware Adult Educators to take advantage of online professional development tools/activities including listservs ( and online communities of practice (

I will start my first blog entry with a suggestion from my technology and wiki mentor, David Rosen. I posted to two NIFL listservs asking for suggestions about encouraging my peers to participate in listservs. He suggested that we look at “Adulted online 's Technology Integration Self assessment (TISA) [] Go to Tech Savvy -- select "Teachers start here" link. . This (free because it was developed with funds provided by the U.S. Department of Education] online process is a self-assessment and much more. It is an online professional development process.”

I registered and took the self assessment. It does not take much time. After taking the assessment you will be guided to free or inexpensive online learning resources to meet your specific needs. David asked that if you would take the time to take the self-assessment you might reply to this blog entry with answers to questions such as:

  • What do you think?
  • Do you like it?
  • Is it helpful?
  • What are its strengths?If there were more funds available to support it, how could it be improved?”

I will end this first posting for now, but I will come back to topics I have mentioned today. I will also ask you to consider that I have some Attention Deficit Disorder issues of my own, and I will ask that if my posting go off topic, that you gently and kindly remind me to get back on track.